Studio Policy

Studio Policy


I will teach students and clients self-empowerment skills and singing instruction in a professional, creative and encouraging atmosphere, to inspire a love and appreciation for developing and using their own unique voice. It is my goal to empower each student to define and achieve their goals, and I will tailor the curriculum to match each student’s specific needs.


Students/Clients agree to arrive at each session punctually and well-prepared. To make good progress, quality vocal practice is necessary 2-3 times a week in addition to the personal growth work assigned. Please ask questions about home assignments so that the student and parents can completely understand the assignments and goals.

Parents: If something is happening at home or school that is affecting your child please let me know. The more information I have, the more I can be sensitive to the needs of your child.

All students are encouraged to participate in opportunities to perform. If an opportunity arises, please bring information to the next lesson so that I can help your student prepare. 


Flat monthly tuition rates are based on the number of guaranteed sessions in the calendar year. There will be a minimum of 45 sessions offered throughout the year, and the weeks where sessions are not held (due to holidays or personal performance opportunities) will be communicated in advance. Two additional sessions will be built into the calendar, for a total of 47 sessions during the year. In the case of teacher illness, these two additional sessions can be canceled short notice. These weeks are complimentary in the case that no illness cancellations occur.

Lessons/Sessions take place once a week on a day and time mutually agreed upon between the instructor and student. In the case that there is a 5th weekly lesson in the month, this has been factored into the flat-rate tuition. Pre-planned absences and holiday breaks have also been factored into the rate and will be communicated well in advance. 

Tuition invoices will be sent by the 26th of the month prior for all enrolled students. Payment is due by the 1st of the month. All payments are non-refundable. Payment received after the first of each month is subject to a $10 late fee. Recurring late payments may result in termination of the student’s enrollment.

All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.


If you will not be able to attend a scheduled lesson, please notify me via text, phone call or email no later than the day before your session, if possible.

Cell 602-510-4414 / Email

Sessions canceled with under 24 hours notice will not be provided a make-up lesson. Sessions canceled with 24 hours notice will be credited a make-up session to be used within 30 days. 

Make-up sessions do not count as credit for the next month’s tuition. Make-up sessions cannot be rescheduled and there will be no additional make-up if you cancel it.

Planned vacations or other conflicts communicated in advance receive a make-up session credit for that month.

Two weeks written notice via email is required to end your tuition subscription. If the appropriate notice is not provided, the subscription will run for one additional month prior to cancellation. 

In order to cancel tuition, written notification must be received via email 2 weeks in advance of the automatic payment.


Students are expected to attend and be punctual to their lessons/sessions. Students who are late for 15 minutes or longer cannot be guaranteed their lesson time. Students who miss a scheduled lesson without following the cancellation procedure will be considered “no-show” and will not be eligible for make-up.


In the first part of your session, we’ll do a self-awareness check-in of where you are in your progress and any assignments you’ve completed. This is followed by breath work and visualization exercise. In the second part of your lesson we’ll do vocal exercises, such as singing scales. (I recommend that you record this part of the lesson.)  In the final part of the session, you will be singing a song that you have prepared.  

It’s important for you to be coachable and attentive during your session. Be brave!  Try new techniques!  This is your time to be wild and step outside your comfort zone.  

I will guide you with both praise and pointing out areas to improve. While you do not have to implement the creative ideas I offer - I respect each artist’s individuality - I do urge you to implement healthy singing techniques and a home practice. 

I will also introduce you to simple, effective techniques of self-awareness to aid in your spiritual and emotional resilience, and empower you to share your voice with the world.


When students enroll, they are reserving their place in the studio for the entire term. Changes to weekly scheduled may be made on a case-by-case basis each month before tuition is due. If the student decides to pause lessons during the course of a semester, tuition for the remainder of the semester still applies. Alterations to this policy are on a case-by-case basis. We do accept new students mid-semester.

Fall Term - September thru December

Spring Term - January through April

Summer Term - May through August

Please note that a student’s spot will not be guaranteed for the fall term if they were not enrolled in lessons during the summer term.


I will keep all information exchanged during our sessions in strict confidentiality. I will not disclose confidential information that you share with me during sessions to anyone else without reason to know such information, except as when required by law, ethics, or upon written authorization by you. There are 3 exceptions to confidentiality:

1. When disclosure is imminent to prevent self-harm or harm to others

2. When a child, elder, or disabled person is in need of protection

3. When legal demands require confidential material be released


From time to time I may use photos and short videos of my students on the studio website or in social media posts. These videos and posts are encouraging to other students and helpful to other teachers. If you do not want your child's image(s) to be used, please let me know. In general, students love to see their pictures and videos being shared. They find it motivating and exciting to think that others want to know what they are learning. The students are identified only by first name.

By enrolling and paying tuition for my child in Alyssa Martin’s studio, I certify that I understand and agree to the studio policies for the 2024/2025 school year.


As an LGBTQ+ ally, this studio's goal is to provide everyone a safe space to be themselves.